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Megan Munoz


Megan is a double major in both Animal Science (Pre-Vet) and Music. She hopes to become a veterinarian and specialize in conservation and wildlife rehabilitation. She loves the TFCC because we give a voice to all the campus kitties!


Leeson Weaver

Vice President

Leeson is a major in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. He hopes to become a nuclear engineer to help de-carbonize the power grid. Leeson loves TFCC because we serve the Tech campus and make it a safer and healthier place for all cats!


Isabella Hellwig


Coming Soon!


Kylie Box

Feeding Coordinator

Coming Soon!


Aubrey Mokr

Feeding Coordinator

Coming soon!


Maryann Matt

Trapping Coordinator

Coming Soon!


Alana Sifuentes

Trapping Coordinator

Coming soon!

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Sofia Gomez

Cuddling Coordinator

Sofia is an Animal Science Pre-Vet major with a concentration in Companion Animals. She hopes to open her own mixed animal practice some day. She loves TFCC for our efforts in socializing kittens and helping them find loving homes, as well as providing the campus cats with the necessary health care!


Kiley Anderson

Cuddling Coordinator

Coming soon!


Kat Livingston

Staff Advisor

Kat is a part of the TTU Registrar team, and she is also the founder and executive director of Kat's Alley Cats. Her passion for TNR began on campus in 2016, and she has enjoyed sharing her knowledge and skills with the TFCC ever since.


Lauren Locklear

Staff Advisor

Dr. Lauren Locklear is an Assistant Professor of Management at the Rawls College of Business. She has a passion for rescue and loves helping with the TFCC's mission! 


Stephanie LaMarr

Alumni Advisor

Stephanie is our alumni advisor. She retired from TTU RISE, but continues to help oversee the campus cat feeding and care.

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